5 Tips For Staying Healthy On Your Busiest Days
by Jobin Sabu (Sports Nutritionist)

We’re all juggling a lot these day. No matter our age, location, or what we do for a living, we’ve all got days where we’re simply too busy to exercise, eat well, or even take a deep breath.
According to various surveys, more than half of adults report they typically multitask at least two tasks at once during the day. Meanwhile, six out of ten working moms say that balancing career and home life is difficult.
As a result of over scheduled days filled with deadlines, school, meetings, and friend and family obligations, your well-being sometimes gets placed on the back burner. But even on your craziest days, you can still take small steps toward your wellness goals. To inspire these efforts, we asked six health professionals to share their top wellness tips for navigating those full-speed-ahead days.
1. Be Prepared
When you know you’ve got a busy day lined up on your calendar, do not shy away from it. It’s important to see exactly what’s on your schedule ahead of time so you can squeeze in 5 minutes of cushion or simply prepare your mind for the accelerated pace.
“What helps me most on my busiest days is to have mentally prepared “On the night before super-busy days, I think through the day and try to anticipate any pitfalls, needs, or challenges in advance.”
Be practical, too. If you neglected to block off time for lunch, make sure to fix yourself a healthy grab-and-go meal the night before so you don’t fall victim to the vending machine or drive-thru. Or, set your alarm a half-hour earlier than usual to ensure you have time for a quick workout.

2. Don’t Skip Breakfast
Tempted as you might be, do not run out the door without something in your stomach on hectic days.
“If you know you’re going to have a nonstop day, make sure you begin with getting a nutritious, balanced breakfast in your tummy. Case in point: A scientific review published in the International Journal of Gastronomy and Food Science states that consuming the “right” breakfast—one that contains a mixture of protein, fat, and complex carbohydrates—has profound effects on cognitive performance and overall well-being.
3. Pick Proper Portions

If you’re having lunch at a restaurant or getting takeout, keep general nutrition guidelines in mind.
I suggest to visualize your portions.
The “ideal meal, should consist of half a plate of fruits and/or veggies, one-quarter a plate of a starch (think brown rice, quinoa, or sweet potato), and one-quarter a plate of a healthy protein (such as fish, chicken, beans, or eggs).
“You may not always be able to make the healthiest food choices on the days you’re in a rush, which is why practicing portion control helps,”
4. Find A Mantra

Waking up with a key phrase to focus on can set the tone for the whole day.
“As a health and fitness coach, I’ve always recommended repeating a mantra in the morning. “Repeating positive affirmations before going about a busy daily routine can help you feel better about yourself and more encouraged to make healthy choices. Plus, believing the words that you’re saying to yourself can help ease stress, relieve anxiety, boost confidence, and even help heal deeper mental health issues over time.”
In fact, a study published in the European Journal of Integrative Medicine suggests that mantra meditation has moderate beneficial effects on mental health.
” Start saying a prayer in the morning, and then coming up with a specific mantra to focus on for that day.
Few examples
- I feel fit, strong, and I love exercising daily.
- I enjoy eating healthy foods that make me feel good.
- I wake up with lots of energy every day.
5. Swap Long Workouts For Movement Bursts
Though you may not have time for a dedicated hour-long workout on crazy calendar days, you can still get moving.
“No matter how busy and stressed you might be, moving boosts endorphins, improves your mood, and gives your brain and body the break they need”. “I promise you can find 10 minutes in your day to exercise, even if that means squat breaks at your desk, taking calls while you walk, or a quick abs session before dinner.” just 10 minutes of light or moderate physical activity (such as brisk walking, dancing, and gardening) each week can add years to your life.
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